Hoi4 The Great War Mod

Hearts of Iron IV Photo: Paradox InteractiveEntering The Field: Land, Sea And AirDifferent types of units enter the field in different ways.: in the building screen you're only building their equipment. You still need to train the soldiers to actually use the equipment, which you can do in the deployment screen., however, are automatically deployed from the building screen (and you can choose the location in a small icon that should start ticked to ‘auto’). Once built, appear in your hangar, which has no size limits.

  1. Hoi4 The Great War Mod Music

They're useless there, so get them to the front by clicking on the insignia on the map of one of your airfields. You can also deploy directly to the decks of your aircraft carriers. Either way, once you transfer the planes to airfields or carriers, they can be assigned to missions.Using Support PositionsResearching can give your army a major edge as you improve your medics, mechanics and other behind-the-front-lines forces. However, to actually reap the rewards of these developments, you have to edit the composition of your divisions in the deployment screen. You can choose the makeup of each division and add the support positions to the vanilla infantry divisions. It will take more training before divisions with heavy support units can enter the field, but they can give you a significant edge.

Read More.Division TrainingDivisions train at roughly the same speed—you can train ten divisions at once at the same speed as just one. The only limitations: you need the hardware (tanks, guns, etc.) for the units or the training will stall out, and you need sufficient manpower. Training naturally scales up with how quickly you can manufacture weapons, which will usually be the limiting factor early on.Using Armies EffectivelyThe best way to manage your troops is with armies. The tutorial shows you how to make them, but that’s about it. Don’t just lump a bunch of random troops into a giant army for each front and go at it.

Alternative storage for Hearts of Iron IV mods.

You want to be a little more nuanced when you form your armies. For instance, to fight a campaign on a large front, you might want a very large infantry army. These can deploy to a large section of the front and will spread out and defend it. Then, you can add smaller specialized armies to individual sections of the same front by holding right-click and drawing the section using the front line selection tool. This gives you more tactical options, like having the infantry army push forward everywhere as your tanks try to crack through the line in the south. Pulling units from one army to another isn’t the easiest thing to do in the interface, so be careful and form them right in the first place to save yourself some time.The FrontWe included this tip in too, but if you’re messing it up, it’ll fix a lot of your problems at one go.

When you're drawing your battle plan, you aren’t drawing the path where your armies should move. Instead, you’re drawing the new front line, rather than the line of movement. Your armies will automatically advance based on the front line you draw.

Hoi4 The Great War Mod

Battle plans can have multiple steps, too: just draw further front lines and your armies will push forward to those after getting to the first ones.Any other big Hearts of Iron IV unit tips you want to throw into the mix?

Forum DirectoryIn order to better organize the forum's discussions, yet keep it clear of excessive stickied threads, here is a directory that will guide you to the more important features of this forum. Please review these threads and, where applicable, use them instead of creating new threads. If you have suggestions for new threads, or would have a sub-mod or AAR to register, please pm either the creator of this thread or one of the local moderators.Major Previews:. Video:. Faction Preview:.

Hoi4 The Great War Mod Music

Teaser:, &Minor Updates:. Video:. Mini-Update:. Video:. Mini-Update:Designated Threads. Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ)It is crucial that you read the following FAQ We, being the local moderators as well as team members, will assume that you are completely familiar with the following contents, and will expect you to review these questions before posing your own. Not doing so wastes everyone's time.

If you pose questions that are clearly answered in the FAQ, they may be ignored. If you make such threads, they may be closed or deleted without warning.GeneralQ.

What version of NTW does this mod require?A. The game must be fully patched up to 1.6 or 1.7. Illegal game versions are not supported for this mod, and any questions relating to them are against the ToS and subject to deletion.Q. I am experiencing some unknown error, bug, or installation issue. Can you help me?A. Please refer to the tech help & bugs thread.Q. Medievil stained glass demon. Will TGW prevent me from playing vanilla NTW, or my previously installed mod?A.

TGW is fully mod-foldered, so it should not conflict with vanilla, or any other mods. However, unless the other mod is also mod-foldered (or compatible - see question below), you will not be able to run TGW while it's installed. Note: if you use the manual installation method, you need to make sure that TGW files are returned to their mod folder before running vanilla or another game.Q. Is TGW compatible with this other mod?A. Maybe, but probably not. TGW affects almost everything in the game, so it will conflict with the vast majority of NTW mods.

That conflict may or may not lead to a crash, depending on what the other mod changes. In any case, with the exception of TGW submods, we don't recommend you using other mods alongside TGW, unless you know what you're doing.Q. I am interested in helping out the mod. Where can I sign up?A.

If you wish to be involved in some way, please pm a team member to see if there are any possible positions to fill. With 5.0 finished, much of the base work is done, and we won't have much need for mass research or beta testing drives like we've had in the past. The best way to join the team is to learn some form of modding (if you haven't already) such as db, esf, scripting, texturing, or modelling, and then start working on a submod, doing something that might be useful for the mod in general. Also, if you're interested in helping us with some of the mod's writing, or in doing translations, we encourage you to apply.TGW 5.1Q. What's the difference between 5.0 and 5.1?A. Patch 5.1 fixes a lot of bugs, balancing issues, and launcher issues. See our moddb 'News' section for specific changelogs.Q.

Do I need to install 5.0 before installing 5.1?A. No, you only need to install 5.1 - it's fully standalone and includes the entire mod. You will need to install 5.1 before any 5.1.x update. As of 12/13/13, your installation order should be: 5.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3.Q. Why is my campaign crashing in 1915?

Or another year?A. Users have been experiencing issues like seemingly random campaign crashes since 5.0 was released.

Although its improved to the point where most people can play well past 1918, it's still a widespread issue. If reloading or reverting to another save doesn't help, you may have to start a new campaign or wait for the next patch. This is usually caused by building construction or unit recruitment - in case you have a crash, try reloading and stopping all construction to see if the crash persists.

Unfortunately, there's no way for you to prevent the AI from constructing those buildings.Q. Why do tanks and bunkers disappear after one battle?A. This is an unfortunate bug that we're aiming to fix. It's due to their low unit sizes, which NTW takes as a signal to disband the entire unit after a battle.Q.

Can you replace the Ottomans with Bulgaria?A. No, we've discussed this and determined Ottomans is the better choice, although they will receive several units to represent the Bulgarian Army. If you still disagree, feel free to make a sub-mod, there has been a good deal of demand in the past.Q. If the US is represented as a full faction, why do commonwealth states like Canada or Australia only get a unit?A.

We have limited time, and felt that the US would make a better addition to the mod - in no small part because it was a major world power (if somewhat isolationist) and because its entry into the war, given its timing, constituted a very visible and significant change in the war. We're not making a comment on the relative contribution any nation made to the war, but we made a choice and we're sticking with it.Q. There is some feature important the mod that I feel is missing. Will it be implemented?A. Needless to say, after several years of modding we've probably considered implementing the feature, or heard your idea already.

That said, we encourage you to post in case we haven't - just don't be disappointed if we don't reply. In some cases, like the US entry into the war, we just haven't had the chance yet. In other cases, like ship models, we're not able to.ModelsQ. Why is model 'X' not ingame? Why does faction Y use faction Z's model?A. Getting models ingame takes time, and while we have a lot more 3d models than are currently implemented, theres a lot of preparation work involved to implement the model - finishing the details, reducing the poly count, creating additional LoDs, converting to ingame format, creating textures, creating normal maps, etc.

Our 3d art team is hard at work at getting additional faction-specific models ingame, but for now, we're very proud that we're only using ww1 models in our game - no NTW muskets, cannons, nor even campaign ships, trains, or generals.Q. Will there ever be ship models in the game?A. There is currently no converter for ship models, and because of their complexity there may never be one. However, the campaign model boat has been replaced with a proper ww1 one, and in battle ships have received both an overhaul in stats as well as a texture overhaul to make the naval battles as true to history as possible.Q. Will there ever be proper trenches in the campaign?A.

In addition to the trenches in our custom battle maps, there are currently campaign battle trenches in TGW but they are retextured versions of the vanilla trenches. According to CraigTW from CA, there is no way to edit the collision maps or control how wide the trenchs are deployed, basically meaning we cannot make significant changes to the current earthworks. However, it is of course one of our goals in the mod, and we are actively searching for potential ways to better represent trenches.MiscellaneousQ. Can you make this mod for Empire, Shogun II, or Rome II?A. It is way too much work to even consider for the current team. If you're interested in creating such a mod yourself, contact a team member and perhaps we can negotiate possible use of transferable mod material.Q. Can you add region 'X' to the map?A.

Campaign map editing is not possible in NTW. We can neither add regions, nor change the outline of the map, and thus are limited in our scope to only those maps provided by CA. And no, it is not possible to transfer the map from ETW.Q. What is the name of the music featured in the mod?A. Most of the new music in 5.0 is custom made by members of our team. You can also look here for a full description for the music in 4.6 and before, although we removed most of it to avoid licensing issues:Q. But I get the feeling the mod team is rather dashing.

Is there any definitive study that can confirm my intuition?A. We know what you mean, the radiance can oftentimes seep through into our posts.

We're not too sure on the the technical aspects of it, but nevertheless, here are the results:. Please excuse the lack of proper experimental procedure.Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy your time on the forum.

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