Fallout 3 Those Quest Walkthrough

  1. Fallout 3 All Quests

Free Labor PreparationUptown has a lot to offer, but we’re focusing on the quest at the moment. You need to think about your decisions too, since it will change your required preparation.If you plan to side with Wernher and the slaves, then you should take about 10 minutes and walk around Uptown. Figure out where each catwalk goes and where the doors are. There will be two major battles in this area. Getting lost won’t make them easier.

If you plan to side with Ashur, then don’t worry. Just go find him in Haven.As to the actual decision, I’ll note that Bethesda considers the two sides neutral. Wernher isn’t an angel. The cure is Ashur’s baby and he wants to risk its life to find a cure and make a power grab. Ashur isn’t a devil either.

Welcome to the unofficial guide to 'Fallout 3' video game. This guide will help you in surviving in the unpleasant territories of the Capitol Wasteland. I've created this survival kit not only to help less experienced players, but also to satisfy fans of the series.

Ashur seems to genuinely wish to free the slaves as soon as a cure is found. So, you’re free to make a choice.

Fallout 3 All Quests

It’s basically karma neutral and the rewards are essentially the same. Siding with WernherIf you plan to do this, try to pickpocket the ammo off of all the raiders. It makes the rebellion much more successful. Go into Haven and talk to Ashur.

You can try to lie about knowing Wernher, but it doesn’t change much. He feels his case is strong enough. You can fight him here and now, but that’s a little pointless. String him along until Krenshaw sounds the alarm about the slave rebellion. Walk over to the lab and talk to Sandra.

Choose to kidnap “the cure' by either activating Marie or choosing the appropriate conversation choice. Kill Sandra and any of the raiders nearby. Then just fight your way out.

There isn’t any real science to this. Just backtrack back to Midea’s with Maire.

There will be at least 5 slaves with auto axes, and they can at least wound and distract the raiders. Keep moving forward. You don’t necessarily have to clear the area either. Wernher has a plan for them. Just get to Downtown. You can take the Mill path for simplicity. There will be more slaves inside who are able to deal significant damage to the radiers.Go to Midea’s house and hand over the baby.

She’ll tell you about Werner’s hideout. Ruler of the sky kingdom hearts online. He’s behind a newly opened door in the steelyard.

Go over to the steelyard and move straight forward from the entrance. Go up the stairs and towards the back. You need to get past Wild Bill’s corpse and make it to the Wildmen’s shack. There should be a slave on guard and a bright light above it.

Go inside and talk to Werner. He’ll give you the key to the underground and tell you his new plan to unleash the trogs on the raiders. He’ll give you a stealth boy to help with your escape.Go back to the train cars and look for the sewer entrance to the power plant. Follow the linear path and kill all the trolls.

There are several groups of trogs in various locations along the catwalks and machinery. Just keep grinding through the masses. The auto axe is quite effective in these narrow spaces, but the shotgun is naturally effective too.Just get to the end of the fairly short path and access the computer here. Use it to kill the floodlights in Uptown. Go out the nearby exit to end up in Uptown and watch the carnage. Ashur shows up at the exit to try and stop you. If you didn’t kill Sandra for some reason, then she’ll be here too.

You can either kill them or just run away and let the oncoming group of trogs do it. Either way, make sure you grab Ashur’s armor, since it’s pretty nice.You can try to fight the trogs. It’s possible to win if you just fire and run. There are also a good number of sniper’s perches which they can’t access. You can just use the stealth boy to avoid most of them though. They aren’t too perceptive. Uptown will be locked off once you exit anyway.Get back to Downtown through whatever means possible.

Midea and Wernher should both be at her quarters. Talk to Wernher to be declared the new boss and complete the quest. You can now use the ammo press in the mill.

Midea will also now buy teddy bears for Marie. Siding with AshurThis is quite easy really. Talk to Ashur and agree to help him. Then talk to Sandra and walk out without kidnapping the baby. Go outside and watch the raiders mow down the slave rush. You can help out if you want bad karma.

Go back out to the Mill. You can just hang back and let all of the raiders inside the back areas rush out to meet the slave attack. It’s a fairly cool fight to watch from the upper level. After that, just calmly walk to Midea’s quarters. You can either pass a speech check or grab one of the notes on her desk to find out the location of Wernher’s hideout.

Go to the steelyard and head straight back. Go past Wild Bill’s body and past the Wildmen’s shack. Kill the one slave on guard duty and go inside. In my case, Wernher was already hostile. If you go in without a weapon drawn, then you might have better luck.

You can use the Black Widow perk or pass a speech check to convince him to leave. Otherwise, just defend yourself. He is leveled to your character, so he might be incredibly strong. Just use your new weapons to wear away at him and win. Loot his body and report back to Ashur at Haven. Things are back to normal and you can now use the ammo press. Sandra will buy teddy bears for Marie.

Aftermath and the Ammo PressThe Pitt will still be open and functioning in a similar fashion regardless of your choice. The slaves still go through their work routines if you free them. The only real change is the noticeable lack of raiders in the event of a rebellion.You can still do the Mill Worker quest if you haven’t found all 100 ingots. Everett is neutral and marked as essential, so he should still be around to collect the ingots. Marie’s caretaker will start up an unmarked quest for teddy bears.


She’ll buy them for 30 caps a piece with 10 experience points as a reward too.Finally, the ammo press is all yours. The ammo press is inside the mill.

You can find it just past the large cage that looks down into The Hole. You can also look for the two steel crushers that have a terminal near them. The operation is fairly simple. You can load unneeded bullets and scrap metal into the material bin.

Each of these has a relative value, with some more “expensive' bullets. For example, it takes 15 5mm bullets to make a.308 sniper round and vice versa. Just load your ammo up and use the terminal to make the bullets you want.The real value is that most people should have accumulated a whole lot of useless ammo from their wanderings.

The ammo press can take all of those 5mm rounds your sniper doesn’t use and turn them into.44 bullets for Lincoln’s Repeater or.308 rounds for your favorite rifle. You can always return to The Pitt through fast traveling to the tunnel, activating the railroad car, and fast traveling to the Mill.

Keep this in mind.That’s it for the main questline of The Pitt. This post is part of the series: Fallout 3: The Pitt – Walkthrough.

IntroductionWelcome to our guide for Fallout 3. We're probably crazy for attempting this.Obviously, with a project this size and scope, there are bound to be options or quests we missed. Feel free to comment on the guide pointing out things that are not included. Fallout 3 is a behemoth, and we did the best we could, but there are undoubtedly gaps. The guide is a constant work in progress, and all of our editors will be happy to hear your suggestions and make necessary alterations.Please note that this guide was written by users who (for the most part) all played the Xbox 360 version of Fallout 3. Mentions of Downloadable Content and related subjects are relevant only for people with the 360 or PC versions of the game, but Playstation 3 owners will soon be received the DLC.Special Thanks to Boyce and DualReaver for taking a bunch of screenshots for us.

Recent Edits. Table added for Experimental MIRV. Proofread edits throughoutWasteland MapsSince this guide references a lot of locations without explicitly telling you where they are, here are a few maps from other places (Not our work). Feel free to reference them if you need to find a location.Character Creation & SpecFallout 3 starts off with you creating your character and determining their stats. Since you can't respec after you leave Vault 101, it's probably a good idea to know what you want. This section is a guide to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system, the skill system, and the perks you get as you level up.

Stat BreakdownYour character's basic stats in Fallout 3 are broken up into two categories. S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes, which govern your basic attributes and specializations, and skills, which allow you to customize your character's abilities and increase their effectiveness. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attributes are out of 10, while skills are out of 100.

S.P.E.C.I.A.LThe S.P.E.C.I.A.L system is Fallout 3 determines your character's basic attributes, which affect both their skills and other factors. You can set you attributes during childhood, and tweak them once more before you leave Vault 101. Due to the fact that every major S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Skill is able to be augmented by at least 1 point through the Wasteland's assortment of Bobbleheads, it is recommended that no stat is raised above 9. See the Bobblehead section in the Table of Contents for locations. In addition, by using the Intense Training perk, you can add a S.P.E.C.I.A.L point into any attribute any time you level up.

Certain quests also grant a permanent boost to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Some equipment and medications will also affect your attributes. Strength- Strength affects a few skills, only one of which is important. It affects your unarmed skill, which is useless. It affects your melee weapons skill, which is also useless. It affects how much weight your character can carry, which is an extremely important statistic, because if your character becomes overburdened they cannot run or fast-travel between locations. However, as long as you don't spend too long wandering the Wasteland and remember to make regular trips back to cities to sell off or store your loot, a super-high weight limit isn't necessary.

Put this skill anywhere from the 2-5 range, depending on how much weight you want to be able to carry, and how badly you want to pump up the other attributes.These skills are entirely useless only for characters focused on guns. For maverick or melee-based characters, they are obviously essential. Perception- Perception affects a few skills, as well as an important non-skill ability. Perception affects the starting skill of Lockpick.

Perception affects the starting skill of Explosives. Perception affects the starting skill of Energy Weapons. Perception also determines how far away you can detect enemies as red dots on your 2D compass.

This ability is quite useful for knowing where your enemies are when you get ambushed (or are the one doing the ambushing) or if you are trying to sneak past somebody out in the Wasteland. Endurance- Endurance is a decent enough ability, and important if you're going to be making long treks through hazardous areas, as the rad resistance and increased HP are big bonuses. However, if you're only going to be making small sorties out into the Wasteland before returning to a town, the attribute is of little significance. It affects your maximum hit points. It affects your poison resistance and your radiation resistance.

It affects the skill levels of Big Guns and Unarmed. Charisma- Charisma directly affects your Speech and you Barter skills. A high Charisma level will grant you special dialogue options in certain cases, allowing you to manipulate people or groups to your liking. Intelligence- Intelligence is a very important attribute, one you should consider pumping up right off the bat. Most importantly, the higher your intelligence, the more skill points you get each time you level up.

This is important because it allows you to raise your skills much higher much quicker, meaning you get to be a badass sooner. Intelligence affects the starting skill of Repair.

Intelligence affects the starting skill of Medicine. Intelligence affects the starting skill of Science. Agility- Unlike Oblivion, Fallout does not have a stamina bar- your character won't tire out ever (Although they still can become overencumbered), so Agility is perhaps not as importat as you might think. What agility does do however, is:. Increase the number of Action Points available for VATS. Determine the starting skill level for Small Guns.

Determine the starting skill level for Sneak. Luck- Luck is an odd attribute. It increases your chances of scoring a critical hit on an enemy by 1% for each point in the attribute. Luck also increases the starting value of all your skills by about half a point for each attribute point invested in it. Luck will also increase the chance of Mysterious Stranger visits if you have that perk, or Paralyzing Palm strikes in you have that perk. Overall, this is an entirely ignorable skill, unless it has other affects we are not aware of.

Don't pump it above the starting level of 5, and feel free to remove points if you need them elsewhere.SkillsSkiils go on a scale from 1 to 100 points. Your S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes determine your starting skills. You also get to mark three skills as your primary skills, which gives you an extra 15-point bonus into those skills at the start of the game. Once you mark your primary skills, you cannot change your mind.

It is probably a good idea to take no skill higher than 85-90 just by leveling up, as skill bobbleheads will add 10 points to their respective skils, and many books can be found in the Wasteland which raise skills by 1 point (books give you 2 points to a given skill instead of 1). Once a skill reaches 100, it can no longer be raised. Barter - Barter affects the prices you will get from vendors, as well as the prices you will get when selling items to stores. If you're looking to become a Wasteland magnate or something, perhaps this skill could be useful, but by just looting and completing quests, you'll usually always have enough money to get.

Not worth investing many points into unless you're having a really hard time getting caps. Big Guns - Big Guns affects your skill with, well, big guns. Stuff like the flamethrower, Fat Man, and mini-guns are all governed by your big guns skill. These are fun to use, but very scarce at the beginning of the game, in addition to being hard to find ammo for, and being quite heavy. Worth investing points in towards the end stages of the game to take down some tougher enemies.

Energy Weapons - Energy Weapons will determine your skill with laser-based weapons like the laser pistol and plasma rifles. Energy weapons are a bit rare at the beginning of the game, but they're slightly more accurate than small guns.

Ammo and weapons will become more commonplace as you proceed with the story, as well as placing more powerful lasers in your hands. You'll want to specialize in either this or Small Guns for certain.

Or both. Explosives - This skill represents your proficiency with things that explode. Frag grenades and frag mines will do more damage the higher this skill is, and a higher explosives skill makes it easier to disarm mines.

A higher explosives skill will also affect your accuracy with grenades in V.A.T.S. This skill is a big help when you start confronting larger enemies, like Super Mutant Behemoths, or when you're taking on large groups of enemies. Explosives also allows you to disable certain special traps, such as explosives-rigged baby carriages, terminals that have been tampered with, and other similar contraptions. Lockpick - Lockpick affects your proficiency for. Picking locks, surprisingly enough. There are innumerable locks to pick in Fallout 3, so this is probably a good skill to invest in.

Each lock has a minium lockpick value associated with it, and without having your skill above that number, it is impossible to pick the lock. Most locks have a value of 50, so you'll need to pump some points into lockpick.

However, keep in mind that picking locks is an evil act and will lose you Karma if the lock is associated with a living character or residence. Lockpicking in bandit strongholds, abandoned areas (Vaults, towns, buildings, etc.) and other such places is perfectly ok. You should consider tagging this skill, as it makes it much easier to obtain supplies. Medicine - The Medicine skill affects how many HP healing items return. Healing items are pretty common, and you can always restore your full health by sleeping in a bed or seeing a doctor, so this skill isn't a prioirty. It may be worth putting some points into if you're going to be doing a lot of exploring and fighting without returning to town, but don't specialize in it.

Melee Weapons - Does what the name says it does. Determines you skill with Baseball bats, sledgehammers, and the like. You'll almost always be using guns, so this is a skill you can get by without putting any points into.

Repair - Every usable weapon or armor in Fallout 3 has a condition rating, indicating what shape it's in. The higher the condition rating, the more effective and valuable the item is. A high repair skill allows you to increase an item's condition when repaired, allowing you to make easy money off of dropped weapons and armor, or keep your equipment from breaking. Without a good repair skill, you'll need to pay traders to repair your equipment, which can get expensive. There are no traders in the game with a repair skill high enough to make most of their prices worthwhile. This skill is possibly worth specializing in, depending on your play style. Being able to maximize your weapon's damage capabilities or your armor's damage resistance should be one of your highest priorities.

This is a skill worth tagging. Science - Your science skill affects how easy it is to hack a computer terminal. This skill works almost exactly like lockpick, with each computer having a minimum science value you need to attempt a hack. Computer's often contain useful information, and backstory, journals, logs, hidden information, or general notes may be found spread across the terminals in the Wasteland. A computer being hacked might not always be as necessary as picking a lock; but oftentimes it is much easier to hack a terminal (and much less wasteful in terms of bobbypins) and unlock a safe or door than it is to lockpick the corresponding door, especially at higher levels. Small Guns - Small Guns is probably the most useful skill in the entire game. It determines your damage and ability with the common, standard weapons like Assault Rifles, Pistols, and Shotguns.

These are the most common weapons in the game, and you'll also find the most ammo for these types. In general, Small Guns unique weapons are some of the most powerful in terms of damage to range, and damage per ammo per availability, in the game.

Specialize in this or energy weapons is fairly essential for basic survival in the Wasteland. Sneak - A good sneak skill makes it harder for NPC's to spot you while you're crouched, which makes pickpocketing and stealing from people much easier. In addition, if you can attack an enemy without being spotted, you'll get a huge damage bonus. Worth investing in if you want to be a sneaky bastard, although stealth is barely necessary at all for most play-styles. Speech - A skill most people will probably ignore, but speech is actually pretty important. A high speech skill allows you to talk information out of NPCs, and often shortens quests or allows you to convince people to help you when otherwise they would not. It also allows you to convince people to pay you more for doing a certain quest.

For example, a quest offering you 200 caps could be raised to 400 caps if you pass a speech check. Think about specializing in this one if you're looking at trying to avoid combat. Specialization in Speech is often not necessary, however, as it is much easier to make a save when you encounter a Speech check and simply re-load the save every time you fail until you succeed. It is a tedious method, but it saves skill points for other, much more practical skills. Unarmed - This affects hand-to-hand combat, and weapons like Brass Knuckles that go on your hands. Similar to melee in that you will never use this skill.

You can play the entire game without using this skill- don't invest any points here.Skill BooksAs you wander the Wasteland, you'll happen across certain books that will increase your skills by reading them. Each book you read will increase one skill by one point. Here is a listing of the book titles and the skills they correspond to. Book NameCorresponding SkillTales of a Junktown Jerky VendorBarterUS Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower RecipesBig GunsNikolai Tesla and YouEnergy WeaponsDuck and Cover!ExplosivesTumblers TodayLockpickD.C.

Journal of Internal MedicineMedicineGrognak the BarbarianMelee WeaponsDean's ElectronicsRepairBig Book of ScienceScienceGuns and BulletsSmall GunsChinese Army: Spec Ops Training ManualSneakLying, Congressional StyleSpeechPugilism IllustratedUnarmedPerksPerks in Fallout 3 are special abilities you can choose each time you level up. You may only select one perk each time you level up. Some perks have multiple ranks and can be chosen multiple times at different levels, while others are one-time uses. You get a new set of available perks every two levels. In addition, some perks cannot be obtained by leveling up, and must be received through quests. Level 2. Black Widow/ Lady Killer - Ranks: 1, Requirements: NoneYou do +10% damage against opponents of the opposite sex.

You'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex. Daddy's Boy/ Daddy's Girl - Ranks: 3, Requirements: INT 4Just like dear ol' Dad, you've devoted your time to intellectual pursuits. You gain an additional 5 points to both the Science and Medicine skills. Gun Nut - Ranks: 3, Requirements: AGL 4 + INT 4You're obsessed with using and maintaining a wide variety of conventional firearms.

With each rank of the Gun Nut perk, you gain an additional 5 points to the Small Guns and Repair skills. Intense Training - Ranks: 10, Requirements: NoneWith the Intense Training perk, you can put a single point into any of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attributes.

Little Leaguer - Ranks: 3, Requirements: STR 4Years as the Vault little league MVP have honed your hitting and throwing. With every rank, you gain 5 points of Melee Weapons skill and 5 points of Explosives skill. Swift Learner - Ranks: 3, Requirements: INT 4With each rank in the Swift Learner perk, you gain an additional 10% of total Experience Points whenever Experience Points are earned. Thief - Ranks: 3, Requirements: AGL 4 + PER 4With each rank of the Thief perk, you gain an immediate bonus 5 points to both Sneak and Lockpick skills.

Level 4. Child At Heart - Ranks: 1, Requirements: CHR 4The Child at Heart perk greatly improves your interactions with children, usually in the form of unique dialogue choices. Comprehension - Ranks: 1, Requirements: INT 4With the Comprehension perk, you gain one additional skill point whenever a skill book is read. Educated - Ranks: 1, Requirements: INT 4With the Educated perk, you gain three more skill points every time you advance in level. This perk is best taken early on, to maximize its effectiveness. Entomologist - Ranks: 1, Requirements: INT 4 + Science 40%With the Entomologist perk, you do an additional +50% damage every time you attack a mutated insect, like the Radroach, Giant Ant, or Radscorpion. Iron Fist - Ranks: 3, Requirements: STR 4With the Iron Fist perk, you do an additional 5 points of Unarmed damage perk rank.

Scoundrel - Ranks: 3, Requirements: CHR 4Take the Scoundrel perk, and you can use your wily charms to influence people - each rank raises your Speech and Barter skills by 5 points. Level 6. Bloody Mess - Ranks: 1. Requirements: NoneWith the Bloody Mess perk, characters and creatures you kill will often explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste. Oh, and you'll do 5% extra damage with all weapons.

Demolition Expert - Ranks: 3, Requirements: Explosives 50%With each rank of this perk, all of your explosive weapons do an additional 20% damage. Fortune Finder - Ranks: 1, Requirements: LCK 5With the Fortune Finder perk, you'll find considerably more Nuka-Cola caps in containers than you normally would. Gunslinger - Ranks: 1, Requirements: NoneWhile using a pistol (or similar one-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. Is significantly increased. Lead Belly - Ranks: 1, Requirements: END 5With the Lead Belly perk, you take 50% less radiation every time you drink from an irradiated water source. Toughness - Ranks: 1, Requirements: END 5With the Toughness perk, you gain +10% to overall Damage Resistance, up to the maximum of 85%. Level 8.

Commando - Ranks: 1, Requirements: NoneWhile using a rifle (or similar two-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. Is significantly increased. Impartial Mediation - Ranks: 1, Requirements: CHR 5You gain an extra 30 points to Speech. So long as you maintain a Neutral Karma level.

Rad Resistance - Ranks: 1, Requirements: END 5Allows you to - what else? - resist radiation. This perk grants an additional 25% to Radiation Resistance. Scrounger - Ranks: 1, Requirements: LCK 5With the Scrounger perk, you'll find considerably more ammunition in containers than you normally would. Size Matters - Ranks: 3, Requirements: END 5You're obsessed with really big weapons. With each rank of this perk, you gain an additional 15 points to the Big Guns Skill.

Strong Back - Ranks: 1, Requirements: STR 5 + END 5With the Strong Back perk, you can carry 50 more pounds of equipment. Level 10.

Animal Friend - Ranks: 2, Requirements: CHR 6With the first rank of Animal Friend, animals simply won't attack.

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