The Isle Map V3

  1. The Isle Game Map

Description:The Isle - NEW MAP V3, NEW GRAPHICS, ECHIDNA MOTHER OF CANNIBALS PREVIEW ( Early Access Gameplay ) w/ Anthomnia!SUBSCRIBE ➡ the video? Drop a LIKE and SHARE! Prove you’re reading this, COMMENT: The IslePLAYLISTS:The Isle - The Isle Gameplay (Ep 1 / Episode 1) - Funny Moments Gameplay -Ark Survival Evolved - Modded Survival (Ark Ep 1 / Episode 1) Gameplay - Survival Evolved Dev Kit - ARK Dev Kit (ARK Survival Evolved) - Survival Evolved Dossiers - 'ARK Survival Evolved All Dinosaurs” - me on TWITTER — me on FACEBOOK —

The Isle Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, TipsThe Isle Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: Hints and Tips for:The Isle CheatsThe IsleCheat Codes:-Submitted by: David K.Parasaurolophus Survival Guide:-Written by Sargon The GrapeThis guide attempts to bring you the most up-to-date survival walkthrough forParasaurolophus.-=Stat Rundown=-Parasaurolophus is a fairly safe choice of dinosaur for a player who wishes to avoidcombat, but not be totally helpless when forced to fight. Despite being seen as aneasy meal by many, a vigilant Para is difficult if not impossible to chase down andkill without being quietly surrounded by a stealthy pack beforehand.-=Pros=-. Faster than anything which can easily kill it. Stronger than anything which can easily outrun it. Low food and water requirements even while growing.-=Cons=-. Fairly slow to grow (3 and 1/2 hours from spawn to full adult).

Very low bleeding resistance. Loud as. The chat-call can be heard from almost as far away as most 1-calls.-=Growth StrategyThe juvenile Parasaurolophus is too slow to run from most predators, and too weak tofight anything its own size or larger. Therefore, the order of the day is stealth.Despite its flamboyant coloration, the juvie Para is well-suited to hiding under treeswith low-hanging branches thanks to its sitting animation, wherein it slightly curls itsbody to reduce length. Since the juvie Para can last about a half hour without eatingor drinking, filling up both bars right at dusk and then sitting under a tree for thenight is the most ideal way to gain substantial growth whilst going unnoticed.The adult Parasaurolophus is substantially faster and stronger right from the momentyou hit “grow,” but still has a hard time with anything larger than Dilophosaurus forthe first half of its growth.

In my own playthroughs on the Isle V3 map, it’s not uncommon for me to wander between two fairly distant bodies of water (such as the twin lakes and the gigantic marsh) without hardly eating or drinking, just because I can. When being hunted, especially by a pack, you should always choose running as your first option.

After hitting that halfway point, only large and fastpredators Allosaurus and Giganotosaurus pose a major threat; said threat can beavoided through stealth, provided you can find foliage thick enough to hide you.Somewhere between 0.9 and 0.95 growth is when you can confidently hang out in openfields to take advantage of your speed.-=Life as an Adult=-The adult Parasaurolophus tends to find the most success with a semi-nomadic lifestyle,but is just as viable as an explorer for those players trying to learn a map. It loseshunger and thirst slowly enough that a Para player can claim a rather large area as itshome to wander and even nest in. Only the largest Para herds will ever consume resourcesquickly enough to require a mass migration, again owing to how large of an area they canafford to wander around any given pool. In my own playthroughs on the Isle V3 map, it’snot uncommon for me to wander between two fairly distant bodies of water (such as thetwin lakes and the gigantic marsh) without hardly eating or drinking, just because I can.When being hunted, especially by a pack, you should always choose running as your firstoption. Para is basically the Allosaurus of the herbivores, and consequently is somewhatfragile for its size. When fleeing, you should initially trot until the predators areclose and/or crouching, at which point you should run.

The Isle Game Map

This will almost always put enoughdistance between you to out-last their ambush speed. Once you have begun running, KEEPTHE CAMERA POINTED FORWARD. Not doing this is the most common mistake I see with anydinosaur, and it kills me every time I see it.

Not looking where you’re running is 100%guaranteed to have you run into an object or off a ledge, immobilising you or inflictingbone break respectively. Instead, just run for about twenty seconds, then slow down andhave a look behind you. Any predator besides Carnotaurus will be at a safe enough distanceto view this way, and you might even be able to rest for that extra stamina regeneration.Fighting is occasionally unavoidable. Maybe they’re faster than you (i.e. Carnotaurus).Maybe they got ahead of you while you hid in some brush. Maybe you just weren’t paying asgood attention as you thought. Regardless, it’s going to happen.

The Isle Map V3

Now Para isn’t exactlyhelpless, but it’s not a tank and bleeding takes its toll super fast. If you choose tofight, it has to end quickly. The following bullet points will explain.A personal favorite tactic of mine, when targeted by mid-tier carnivores, is to chargeright at them with a head swing.

For reasons I can only guess at, these players seem tonever expect a Para to go on the offensive, and freak the???? Out when it happens. NowPara headbutt can only do raw damage, it deals no bleeding or bone break, but this isapparently enough to scatter even a large pack in my experience. Thus, it’s pretty muchthe best way to give yourself an opening to start running like the wind.On the off chance that you do get caught, the pummel attack will one-shot any small- tomid-tier carnivore bar the Ceratosaurus. You will get bit as the cost of doing thisattack, though, so reserve it for a last resort and don’t try to face-tank an entirepack with it. Even if the entire pack is somehow stupid enough to suicide themselvesthis way, you will undoubtedly die from the accumulated bleeding.You cannot fight the adult apex predators.

If you’re being vigilant then they shouldnever even be able to reach you. Getting killed by Giganotosaurus is understandablegiven how fast its ambush is, but there’s no excuse for allowing a Tyrannosaurus Rexto kill you. That’s just your own bloody fault for not paying attention.Nesting is quite easy as a Para, and best used as a respawn point for group-mates. Likewith all dinosaurs, Para hatchlings do not require water and can feed from the nest, soit is not necessary for them to be near food and water; quite advantageous to be awayfrom the latter, in fact, to avoid predators. Both Isle V3 and Thenyaw Island haveplenty of backwater areas that make ideal nesting grounds.The last point to cover is herds. A herd of Paras should usually be just as skittish asa single individual simply to avoid unnecessary bleeding, but may have to go on theoffensive if there are juveniles or even hatchlings to protect (unless, of course, you’rethe sort of underhanded rogue who uses those as decoys).

The isle v3 map updated

As stated above, Para’s low-maintenance nature makes migration unnecessary for all but the largest herds. It mightbe wise to do so anyway, though, since the sheer amount of noise you generate is certainto attract interested parties.-=Final Comments=-I am by no means an expert at this game, and for that very reason the ease with which Ihandle Parasaurolophus playthroughs should speak volumes for how beginner-friendly theyare. This guide might make it sound a little too easy, but I suspect most of you readingthis know that all things in The Isle are easier said than done. Still, I must admitthat Para is quite a bit easier to play than most dinosaurs, and certainly easier thanmy personal favorite, Carnotaurus.Submit your codes! Having Codes, cheat, hints, tips, trainer or tricks we dont have yet?Help out other players on the PC by adding a cheat or secret that you know!SubmitVisit Cheatinfo for moreSpotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2019Cheatbook-Database 2019 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avidgamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue.

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