Changing Windows 7 Startup Sound

To Change Startup Sound in Windows 7 using 'Startup Sound Changer'1. If you have not already, download the file for the free Startup Sound Changer program at the link below, and save it to your desktop.NOTE: You will need to click on the grey download button at the program's site below.2.

  1. Changing Windows 7 Startup Sound Earrape

How to change Windows 7 startup sound. HOW TO CHANGE WINDOWS 7 STARTUP SOUND. Startup Sound - Change in Windows 7. an audio file of your choice and make sure you convert it to a wave file not just wav. 2.rename it 5080 if you are uesing english version of windows 7 united statse language,so your audio. If changing the Logon sound is enough for your needs, this will do the trick. For this you need to make Windows reveal the 'Windows Logon' sound entry in the Sounds dialog as it is hidden by default. I assume you already have the sound itself downloaded, if not you can use websites like or other ways to download the sound from the. How To Change Windows 7 Startup Sound. Download Startup Sound Changer. The file you get is a ZIP file. Extract it and run “StartupSoundChanger.exe” file. Now you get 4 options here. Play: Plays the current startup sound. Replace: Allows you to replace the current startup sound. Restore: Restores the original Windows startup sound.

Open the ZIP file, and extract (drag and drop) the StartupSoundChanger.exe to your desktop.3. Run the StartupSoundChanger.exe file, and click on Yes when prompted by UAC.NOTE: This is a standalone.exe file that does not install anything on your computer.4. With 'Startup Sound Changer' you can set a.wav file to replace the startup sound, play current startup sound, and restore the default startup sound. (see screenshot below). If you lost your backup or didn't create one, then here's a copy of the default startup sound.wav file that you could use to restore it with using step 3 below.A) Copy the default backup imageresoriginal.dll file (step 3O below) to your desktop.B) Right click on the imageresoriginal.dll file and click on Rename.C) Rename it to imageres.dll and press enter.D) Repeat steps 3Q to 3X below to restore this file.3. To Change Startup Sound in Windows 7 A) In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:WindowsSystem32imageres.dll. (see screenshot below)B) Right click on the imageres.dll file, and click on Copy.

(see screenshot above)C) Right click on your desktop, and click on Paste.D) If you have not already, then download and install.E) Right click on the Resource Hacker shortcut in Start Menu - All Programs, then click on Run as administrator. (see screenshot below)F) If prompted by, then click on Yes.G) In Resource Hacker, click on File and Open. (see screenshot below)H) Navigate to and select the imageres.dll file copy on your desktop, and click on Open. (see screenshot below)I) In the left pane of Resource Hacker, expand WAVE, and 5080, to 1033. (see screenshot below)NOTE: If 5080 and 1033 is named something else, then that is fine as long as they are still under WAVE. Just substitute what you have instead in the steps below.

You can click on the Play WAVE button to hear what the current startup sound is.J) Right click on 1033 and click on Replace Resource. (see screenshot below)K) Click on Open file with new resource. (see screenshot below)L) Navigate to and select the.wav file that you want for the startup sound, and click on Open. (see screenshot below)NOTE: This.wav file must be and remain at this same location.


Changing Windows 7 Startup Sound Earrape

For example, move or copy the.wav into the C:WindowsMedia. If you move or delete this.wav file, the startup sound will no longer play it.M) Under Resource Type, type WAVE. Under Resource Name, type 5080. Under Resource Language, type 1033. Click on the Replace button. (see screenshots below)N) Click on File and Save, then close Resource Hacker. (see screenshot below)NOTE: You can click on the Play WAVE button first to hear and verify what the current startup sound is set as in this file.O) On your desktop, Move and Save the imageresoriginal.dll file to another safe location of your choice as a backup.

THIS IS YOUR ONLY BACKUP OF THE ORIGINAL IMAGERES.DLL FILE WITH THE DEFAULT STARTUP SOUND.P) Check to make sure that the Play Windows Startup sound is checked in so that it is turned on. (see screenshot below)Q) Restart the computer and boot into the (WinRE) screen, then select the Command Prompt option and press enter.NOTE: If you do not have a retail Windows 7 installation disc, then you can create a to use to boot to the System Recovery Screen instead.R) In the command prompt, type diskpart and press enter. (see screenshot below step 3V)S) In the command prompt, type list volume and press enter.

(see screenshot below step 3V)T) Make note of what the drive letter is for your Windows 7 partition or drive. (see screenshot below step 3V)NOTE: The Windows drive is not always C at boot.

For example, mine is listed as D here. Look at the volume name and size to help you determine which letter is the one that you have Windows 7 installed on.U) In the command prompt, type exit and press enter.

(see screenshot below step 3V)V) In the command prompt, type the command below and press enter. (see screenshot below)NOTE: Substitute D in the command below with the drive letter you have listed in step 3T for your Windows 7, and substitute username in the command below with your user account name. Keyboard Logitech wireless K800Mouse Logitech MX MasterPSU Seasonic Prime Titanium 850WCase Thermaltake Core P3Cooling Corsair Hydro H115iHard Drives 250GB Samsung 960 EVO M.2256GB OCZ Vector6TB WD Black WD6001FZWXInternet Speed 1 Gb/s Download and 35 Mb/s UploadAntivirus Malwarebyte Anti-Malware PremiumBrowser Google ChromeOther Info Logitech Z625 speaker system. Creative F200 webcam. Lite-On iHBS212 12x BD Writer. Samsung CLX-3175FW Printer. Linksys EA9500 Router.

Arris SB8200 Cable Modem. APC SMART-UPS RT 1000 XL. Keyboard Logitech wireless K800Mouse Logitech MX MasterPSU Seasonic Prime Titanium 850WCase Thermaltake Core P3Cooling Corsair Hydro H115iHard Drives 250GB Samsung 960 EVO M.2256GB OCZ Vector6TB WD Black WD6001FZWXInternet Speed 1 Gb/s Download and 35 Mb/s UploadAntivirus Malwarebyte Anti-Malware PremiumBrowser Google ChromeOther Info Logitech Z625 speaker system. Creative F200 webcam. Lite-On iHBS212 12x BD Writer. Samsung CLX-3175FW Printer. Linksys EA9500 Router.

Arris SB8200 Cable Modem. APC SMART-UPS RT 1000 XL. Keyboard Logitech wireless K800Mouse Logitech MX MasterPSU Seasonic Prime Titanium 850WCase Thermaltake Core P3Cooling Corsair Hydro H115iHard Drives 250GB Samsung 960 EVO M.2256GB OCZ Vector6TB WD Black WD6001FZWXInternet Speed 1 Gb/s Download and 35 Mb/s UploadAntivirus Malwarebyte Anti-Malware PremiumBrowser Google ChromeOther Info Logitech Z625 speaker system. Creative F200 webcam. Lite-On iHBS212 12x BD Writer. Samsung CLX-3175FW Printer. Linksys EA9500 Router.

Arris SB8200 Cable Modem. APC SMART-UPS RT 1000 XL. Similar help and support threadsThreadForumHOW TO CHANGE WINDOWS 7 STARTUP SOUNDan audio file of your choice and make sure you convert it to a wave file not just wav2.rename it 5080 if you are uesing english version of windows 7 united.CustomizationHello, any body know how to change windows 7 startup sound?Sound & AudioHas anyone found a foolproof way to change the Windows 7 64-bit startup sound?Sound & AudioHi,If you prefer the normal way to change the.dll, then this will show you how to: is a and simple trick to change the startup sound for Win7 that does not involve changing a dll. So, for anyone who.CustomizationWith every other version of Windows I have been able to use my own startup sounds.Just a little something to put a smile on my face when I start my computer up each day.Is Win 7 ever going to let us do this???How about it guys?????? Can you make this little change please????:DSound & AudioOur SitesSite LinksAbout UsFind Us.

I never was a huge fan of the Windows startup or shutdown sounds, which is why I was so happy they were removed in Windows 8. However, if you want to have your own custom startup and shutdown sounds in Windows, it’s possible. In Windows XP, it’s a piece of cake.In Windows 7, you have to use a third-party program to change the startup sound because if you try via the Control Panel, it doesn’t do anything.In Windows 8, it gets worse if you miss your beloved startup sound because it’s completely disabled, so you first have to enable it in the registry. After that, you have to run the third-party program and even after that, you have to shutdown and restart the computer in a certain way in order to actually hear the sound.I’ll go through each operating system below to make it as easy as possible depending on your OS. Before we get into the details, you will first want to find an appropriate audio file in WAV format. If you have an MP3, you can convert it to WAV format easily using a free online tool like.

Try to keep the file size small, less than 1 MB if possible. Windows XP Startup SoundThere are two ways to go about changing the startup and other sounds in Windows XP: simple drag and drop into the appropriate folder or using the Control Panel. Let’s start with copying the audio files to the sounds directory.Step 1: Rename each WAV file to Windows XP Startup.wav and Windows XP Shutdown.wav respectively. Step 2: Now go ahead and navigate to the folder with the current startup and shutdown Windows sounds, which is C:WindowsMedia. Here you will find the files Windows XP Startup.wav and Windows XP Shutdown.wav along with a bunch of other Windows sounds.Go ahead and move the two original files from the Media folder to some other backup folder. This is just in case the two WAV files you created do not work and you want to revert back to the original sound.Step 3: Now copy the two renamed files to the C:WindowsMedia folder and restart your computer! You should now hear the new audio play rather than the default sounds.If you don’t like some of the other default Windows sounds, you can change them also in the same manner.

Just create a file that has the exact same name as the one in the Media folder and replace it.The second method is to go to Control Panel and click on Sounds and Audio Devices. Click on the Sounds tab and then click on Start Windows in the list box.Go ahead and click on the Browse button and simply choose the replacement WAV file. You can follow this same procedure in Windows 7, but for some reason it doesn’t actually change the startup sound. Windows 7 Startup SoundIn Windows 7, you have to rely on the third-party program called.

Just download it and run it. Thankfully, it doesn’t install anything on your system, so you can just delete it once you are finished.The program is very easy to use. Windows 7 language interface pack.

Click Play to hear the current startup sound, Replace to change the startup sound and Restore to revert back to the original startup sound.The only other thing you have to check a setting under Sound in Control Panel. Click on the Sounds tab and make sure the Play Windows Startup sound box is checked.Once you do that, you should hear your new startup sound when you log onto Windows. Note that you can still use the Sound Control Panel settings to change other sounds like shown for Windows XP. For example, you can click on Windows Logoff, click on Browse and pick a different WAV file. This will work just fine.

Windows 8 Startup SoundWindows 8 is a different beast altogether and pretty much all the startup and shutdown sounds are disabled by default. This is because Windows 8 sports a new fast boot (hybrid boot) that cuts down on the boot time significantly. There are two problems with Windows 8:1. The sounds are disabled and have to be enabled in the registry.2. Even if you enable the sounds, the fast boot procedure bypasses all sounds. In order to hear the sounds, you have to perform a full shutdown of your system. Even performing a restart will result in the sounds not playing.Obviously, this is quite annoying and I’m pretty sure 99% of people just use Windows 8 without worrying about any sounds.

If you really want the sounds, however, here’s how to do it. Enable Sounds in RegistryIn Windows 8, if you open Control Panel, click on Sound and then click on the Sounds tab, you’ll notice that the Windows Logon and Windows Logoff options don’t even exist in the list box.

Here’s how we can enable the sounds in the registry.Press Win Key + R on your keyboard to bring up the Run dialog box and type in regedit. You can also just go to the Start Screen and start typing regedit and it’ll show up in the Charms bar on the right.Now navigate to the following key:HKEYCURRENTUSERAppEventsEventLabelsYou’ll see a whole bunch of items listed here, but the ones we are interested in for this post are WindowsLogon and WindowsLogoff.Click on WindowsLogon and then double-click on the ExcludeFromCPL key in the right pane. Change the value from 1 to 0. You should now be able to open Sound from Control Panel and see the items listed without having to restart or log off.You will also need to check the Play Windows Startup sound box because it will be unchecked for sure in Windows 8.Next, you have to download the startup sound changer program mentioned above and run that to replace the actual Windows logon sound. Again, you can still change the other sounds in Windows 8 by click on the sound and choosing Browse, it’s just the startup sound that requires all this extra work. However, you still have the extra step of enabling the sounds in the first place in Windows 8 using the registry.Lastly, you have to perform a full shutdown in Windows 8 in order to hear the login sound when you startup. In order to perform a full shutdown in 8.1, you have to right-click on the Start Button, choose Shut down or sign out and then click on Shut down.If you try to shut down using the Start Screen or by going to the Charms bar and clicking on power button, it will perform a hybrid shut down and not play the sound.

Here are screenshots so you know exactly what will not work.So that’s about it for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. I’ll also update this post when Windows 10 gets closer to release this year, as it’ll probably be different from all the methods above!

If you have any questions, post a comment.

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