Soal Uts Matematika Kelas 3 Semester 2

Kumpulan Soal Uts Matematika Sd Kelas 4 Semester 2018. Bank Soal UTS SD 2017 Kelas 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Sebentar lagi akan dilaksanakan kegiatan.

Soal bahasa inggris sd kelas 5 semester 2.1.LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS SIMPLE DAN CEPAT “SPEC KEBUMEN JALAN: H.M.SARBINI NO.35 KEBUMEN HP: 89 WEBSITE Evaluasi Belajar Semester Dua / 2013Subject: English Name:Grade: Five Grades Program: Elemantary School1. Aviv: Good Morning Mr. She is nine a.

How are you c. They are nine b. How are you doing d. Good Morning 6. Ani: i am sorry andi, i will go now, see you?2. It is a half minutes past four in theafternoon, what will you say if you meet your Andi.friend.?

Nice to see you a. Good Night b. Have a nice to sleep c. Good afternoon d. See you too d. Good morning 7. Andi is my brother.

Is playing football3. Rina: Hello Andi, How are you today? Andi.Rina, and You? He Rina: i am very well thanks c. How do you do d.

How are you 8. I have a book, it is very good book, i c. I am fine, Thanks very much. Not good, Thanks a. Tamam: Hello, My friends, b. Are my Friend.

I always Play c. My book Football with them.

Silvi: How old are you Rendi? Her father b.

Her mother10. She wants to make a line, she needs a. Her friend d.

Soal Uts Matematika Kelas 3 Semester 2

Where does her mother buy the book.? In the market b. In the bookstore11.

My mother gives me a cake, because i get c. In the librarygood score in the exam. In the mall a. Budi: Waht is your Hobby Budi?? Lazy Andi: My hobby is. Busy play it in the field with my friends.12.

So i buy food in the a. Playing football c. My Hobby is Playing badminton, i need d. Diligent.for playing it.13. Nina is never late to school. Ballstudent b. Shuttlecock b.

Rina is My sister, Her hobby is Cooking, d. Diligent She always cooksRead texts for question 14 to 16 a. In the kitchen b. In the living room My Book c. Class Hello, My Name is Ani.

I have a book, d. In the homethis book is an english book. My mother buys Read the following text for questions 20 to 23it in the book store. I always read it every dayif i am at home, i can get new knowledge Today is Sundayfrom this book.

Sometimes, tina, my firendborrows my book. She likes it too. We like Today is Sunday, i like this day because i canreading a book because Reading makes us get together with my parents. My parentsclever. Always accompany me to watch tv on Sunday. There are seven days in a week, Sunday,14.

Soal Uts Matematika Kelas 3 Semester 2

Wahat book does writer have? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,and Wednesday. It strats on Sunday and a. An english book end on Wednesday. On Sunday, i have a lot of b. Novel time with my family.

What day does Writer Like??15. Who buys an english book for Rina.?

Monday 26.There. How many days are there in a week?? Am There are. Read the following texts for questions 27 to a.

Eight My Birthday d. Eleven My name in Sarah. My birthday is on august22. What days is after Sunday?? It the ninth. Now I am eleven years old. Brother, Dean, is eight years old.

His birthday is on April the fourth. On my birthday, my a. Monday father usually gives me a birthday present. Wednesday Sometimes on my birthday we go to the beach.

When is Sarah Birthday?23. According to the text, what day was a. It is September the ninthyesterday?? It is on April the fourth c.

It is August the ninth a. It is August the fifth b. Wednesday 28.

Does Sarahs father give Sarah a birthday d. Friday present on her birthday?24. Arrange into good word!

Yes, he does b. Yes, he is R – U – D – T- A- Y- H - S c. No, she doesnt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 d. No, he isnt a.

4-7-2-1-3-8-5-6 29. How old is Sarah now? 4-7-2-1-3-5-8-6 a. She is eleven years old c. 4-7-2-3-1-5-6-8 b.

She is ten years old d. 4-7-2-1-8-3-5-6 c. She is eight years old d. She is nine years old25.

Soal Matematika Kelas 3

Where do they go on Sarahs birthday? Where do they go on Sarahs birthday?What date is on the picture above?

They go to the cinema b. They go to the mall a. It is twenty one of december c. They go to restaurant b.

It is twenty firs of december d. They go to the beach c. It is twentieth of december d. It is thirtieth of december.

Read the text carefully, then answer the questions!Good morning, friends!My name is Rangga. I am a student. I want to tell about my new watch.I buy it with my father.

We buy it in Wijaya Shop. It is so expensive because it is made in Swiss. I wear it on my wrist. Now, it is seven o,clock. It is time for studying1.

Who is Rangga?Answer: He is a.2. What does Rangga tell about?Answer: He tells about his.3. Where does Rangga buy new watch?Answer: He buys it in.4. Why is the watch so expensive?Answer: Because.5. Where does Rangga wear the watch?Answer: He wears it on his.II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!1. We have two.a.

MouthText for number 2 to 4We have one nose.Nose is for smelling.We can smell the flowers with our nose.We should take good care of our nose.2. We use our nose for.a. The flowers with our nose.a.

For hearing.a. We can taste food using our.a. We chew the food using our.a. A: 'What is a tongue for?' B: 'A tongue is for.a. We see something with our.a. We have two feet.

Feet are for.a. It can swim in the water. Likes to eat carrota. Has a long neck.a. Likes to eat grass.a. Produces milk.a. Duck swims in the.a.

A cat likes to eat.a. Salted fishc.

Likes to eat meat.a. An elephant has wide.a. MouthText for number 26 to 28Do you know a rattle snake? It is a wild animal. It has a long body.It is poisonous.

It can run fasf. We can find it in the dessert26.

The text is about a.a. Rattle snake can. We can find a rattle snake in the.a. A hen has two.a. Can run fast.a. Translate the sentences into English!1.

Kita mempunyai dua kakiAnswer.2. Mulut untuk berbicaraAnswer.3. Singa makan dagingAnswer.4. Monyet suka pisangAnswer.5. Bebek bisa berenangAnswer.IV.

Arrange into good sentences!1. Holding – are – Fingers – forAnswer.2. Can – A – fly – pigeonAnswer.3. A – is – That – crocodileAnswer.4. Is – Comodo – a – animal – wildAnswer.5. Horse – A – grass - eatsAnswer.Jika ingin mendownload soal, berikut ini linknya ⇩Kunci Jawaban Room I1. Wijaya Shop4.

Because it is made in Swiss5. WristKunci Jawaban Room II1. Salted fish24.

HorseKunci Jawaban Room III1. We have two legs2. Mouth for speaking3. A Lion eats meat4. A Monkey likes banana5.

A duck can swimKunci Jawaban Room IV1. Fingers are for holding2. A pigeon can fly3. That is a crocodile4.

Comodo is a wild animal5. A horse eats grassNote: Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 adalah konten yang disusun oleh Juragan Les dan dilindungi undang-undang hak cipta.

Dilarang mengcopy paste dan mempublish ulang konten dalam bentuk apapun! Terima kasihItulah Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 plus Kunci Jawaban yang bisa saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat.

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