How To Write An Article Summary

Have you been given an article review paper to write and unsure of the format or where to start? There is no need to worry as Essay Service have to put together a top guide to get your assignment completed as fast as possible and with the best grades!Contents.What is an Article Review?In simple terms, an article review essay is like a summary and evaluation of another professional or experts work.

How To Write An Article Summary

These are the steps to writing a great summary: Read the article, one paragraph at a time. For each paragraph, underline the main idea sentence (topic sentence). When you finish the article, read all the underlined sentences. In your own words, write down one sentence that conveys the main idea.

This style of essay writing can be used for many reasons, for example, a teacher or lecturer may wish to introduce their students to a new subject by reviewing a professional's piece. Also an already acclaimed expert in a field could possibly write a review of an other professionals work.Also, a newspaper article review example could be a journalist writing a critique about another competitor's published work.In comparison, a book review article example could be critiqued by fellow author or even a student in the chosen field.Depending on the critique criteria and the work being reviewed there could also be certain points asked for in addition which should be checked and noted from the lecturer or supervisor.

Five Things You Need to Know about Writing ArticlesIn or, you might be asked to write an article. But do you know what makes an article different from other types of writing?1 The reader is identifiedAn article is like a direct conversation with the reader. The exam question might tell you who your readers are. For example, the students at a school, or the people living in a town or people who are interested in sports. Everything you write must speak to that reader and engage their interest right from the first sentence.2 It has to get attentionIf you're anywhere on the internet these days, you'll be bombarded with articles with headlines that pull the reader in. It's called 'click baiting' and all the writer is trying to do is make you open the page to read their article.


You need to think like a journalist when you're writing your article.Look at the heading and the first line of this article.3 It has to be interestingFor an article to work, it has to be engaging enough to read all the way through. Remember how bored the examiner must be after reading fifty exam papers. Make it easier for them to get a good impression about your writing by entertaining them. Add humour, real life or made up examples, or make up quotes.4 It has to be easy to readUse subheadings to break up the text and make clear paragraphs.

How To Summarize A Paragraph

Write in a semi-informal, conversational style. And make sure there is organisation to your ideas. The planning stage is vital for this. Spend 5-10 minutes brainstorming ideas and choose the best three or four.

How to write an article summary paragraph

Think what your subheadings might be and then write a short introduction that lets the reader know what to expect.Keep in mind that you want the reader to keep reading, so don't tell them exactly what they will read. This is not an essay! In an essay you usually restate the question, explain how you will answer it and maybe say why it's important. In an article, that will kill the reader's interest.Look back at this paragraph.5 Write a good endingIn an essay you sum up the points that have gone before and draw a conclusion from that. But in an article, it's better to give the reader something to think about, perhaps by asking them another question or giving them a call to action. Often, the best endings link back to the starting point in some way.Here are two endings I could use for this article:.

Look at your internet browsing history from the last day. Which articles got your attention? Can you see how they did it?. So, now you know how to write an article, why don't you write one giving advice on something you know about?Common mistakes students make in articles.

The language is too formal and more suited to essays. Avoid words like: to sum up, some people say, nevertheless, on one hand etc. They don't use quotes or examples. They either use not enough, or too many, questions. The questions, called rhetorical questions because they don't require an answer, shouldn't be more than one per paragraph. Good examples are:. Have you ever.?.

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What do you think about.?. Are you one of those people who thinks that?. What would life be like if?. Will the future bring us.?. A title which makes the subject immediately clear. For some reason, people like reading lists!

And a direct, rhetorical question in the first paragraph to make readers want to find out the answer. I've used the imperative to give instructions.

ThinkKeep in mindWriteSpendArticle contributed by Nicola Prentis who is a teacher and materials writer, based in Madrid and London. She is the author of - a self study book with Collins.Advertisements.

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