Weak Auras Health Bar

  1. Health Percentage Weakaura
  2. Weakauras Health Bar Percentage

I'm looking for a simple weak aura. I just need a health bar for my character that I can re-position, but I'm having a surprising time finding one.

Trigger TypesThere are 4 categories of triggers: Auras, Statuses, Events, and Custom triggers. The first three will be explained here; for the fourth, see.Trigger types are considered separate entities from Display types, so any trigger can be used for any (non-group) Display type. Triggers pass information to the displays to which they are connected through mainly 4 channels: Duration Info, Icon Info, Name Info, and Stack Info. See for more info. The Progress Bar type is the only Display type which shows all 4 of these types of information; the other display types show some or none of them. Similarly, some triggers do not provide all 4 types of information, some do not provide any, and some provide different types of information depending on circumstances. The types of information provided by each trigger type will be specified in this page, along with explanations of each trigger's options and behavior.AuraAuras are the most commonly used triggers in WeakAuras.

Health Percentage Weakaura

Auras are also known as Buffs or Debuffs.Auras provide Duration Info, Icon Info, Name Info, and Stack Info. However, if the Inverse option is checked, an Aura trigger will not provide any of this information. Additionally, if 'Group' is chosen for the Unit option, the trigger will provide Duration Info and Stack Info but not an icon or name.Trigger Options:. Aura Name: The name of the buff or debuff.

Weakauras Health Bar Percentage

It is possible to specify up to 9 different aura names; the trigger will activate when any of the specified names are detected. Unit: The unit which should be watched for the specified aura. 'Player', 'Target', 'Focus', and 'Pet' are all normal units, but 'Group' and 'Multi' are special cases. Group tracks buffs and debuffs on members of your party or raid. Multi tracks buffs or debuffs on all units. If the unit is set to 'Multi' the display will be cloned per buff or debuff. This works best if the aura is a child of a dynamic group.

For 'Group' the option 'Show all matches (Auto-clone)' will also clone the display. Group Member Count: Only available if 'Group' is chosen for the Unit option. Such Aura triggers will screen all of the people in your party or raid, count how many people are affected by any of the specified aura names, and then that number will be tested by the comparison you specify in these two fields. For example, if Operator is set to '.

ElvUI LicenseCopyright ©2009-2019The contents of this addon, excluding third-party resources, arecopyrighted to their authors with all rights reserved.The author of this addon hereby grants you the following rights:. 1. You may make modifications to this addon for private use only, youmay not publicize any portion of this addon.

The only exception being you mayupload to the tukui.org or github website. 2. Do not modify the name of this addon, including the addon folders. 3. This copyright notice shall be included in all copies or substantialportions of the Software.All rights not explicitly addressed in this license are reserved bythe copyright holders.You can write to us at for reporting abuse. Version 11.14 June 26th 2019. New Additions:.

None. Bug Fixes:. Attempted fix for two Toolkit errors (cause by nameplate and bankframe code) and AceConfigDialog restricted regions error. Misc. Changes:. Added Prismatic Manapearls to our currencies DataText.


(#1372). Changed the Font Shadow styling around the UI.Version 11.13 June 25th 2019. New Additions:. Added option to change the vertical/horizontal overlap of the Nameplates. Added option to change the Nameplate position: 'Nameplate at Base'.

Style Filter Added Triggers- Unit Is Tap Denied, Unit is Not Tap Denied. (!169). Added new skin for AzeriteEssenceUI. Probably some 'new' Skins are missing. Bug Fixes:.

Fixed nameplate NPC visibility option always on after reload or login. Fixed an issue with DK runes after vehicle exit. (#1280). Misc.

Changes:. Added skin support for Objective Tracker timer bars. Skinned a missing Scrollbar for the GMOTD on the CommunitiesFrame. Prevented right-aligned Ace3 dropdowns (and SharedMedia dropdowns) cutting off when the text is wider than the box.

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