Skyrim Disable Fast Travel

A searchable list of all Skyrim console commands, with detailed help and examples. Skyrim cheats in this list are for the latest version on Steam (PC / Mac). The easiest way to disable fast travel is to not use it. If you need specific cells to not be able to fast travel from, that is on the cell properties. World Cells If its a map marker, its a property of the map marker. Double-click it in the Render Window.

Skyrim Console Commands ListFind below a searchable list of all Skyrim cheats, also known as commands, for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PC and Mac (Steam).To open the console in Skyrim, press the ` key (grave) or key (tilde). To send commands, simply type them into the console and hit ENTER.

For more help opening and using the console, see our.Some commands in Skyrim require a target - in our list, these are labelled with a Target Command badge. A target is an item, NPC or object in the game that a command applies its effect to. You can select a target by clicking on an item, NPC or object with your cursor whilst the console is open. Prefixing a command with player.

Will make your character the target of a command. For example player.RemoveAllItems would remove all of the items in your character's inventory, not your target's. See for more information.Type the name of a cheat code into the search box to instantly search through 142 commands. Each command has more-detailed documentation and examples on its help page - you can visit a command's help page by clicking on its name in the table, or the 'More Help' button in the card view. Command NameSyntaxDescriptionadditem item id amountThis command adds the item with the specified item ID to your selected target's inventory. To add an item to your own inventory, use the command 'player.additem'. You can specify a negative amount to remove items from an inventory (e.g.1 would remove 1 of the specified item).


Target Commandkill reference idThis console command will set your target's health to 0, killing them. Essential characters cannot be killed. To kill your own character, use 'player.kill' Target Commandresurrect 0 / 1This command will resurrect your current target (provided it is dead).

See argument information for options. Target Commandlock lock levelThis command will lock any chest, door or other lockable thing that you have selected as your target. Lock levels above 100 cannot be unlocked without a key. See argument information for details regarding lock levels. Target CommandunlockThis console command will instantly unlock the object (e.g. A container, chest or door) you have selected as your target. Target Commandsetghost 0 / 1This command will make your target immune to all damage from combat including, but not limited to: melee, arrows, spells and shouts.

Target CommandtaiIf you do not have a target selected, this console command enables and disables (toggles) all non-combat AI. When non-combat AI is disabled, NPCs (characters, monsters, etc) have all non-combat functions (like dialogue) disabled. If you have selected a target, this command will toggle non-combat AI for the selected NPC only.

Target CommanddispelallspellsThis command clears all spell and poison effects from the target you currently have selected. Use 'player.dispelallspells' to dispel all spells from your own character.

Target Commandduplicateallitems reference idThis command copies the inventory of the target you currently have selected into the inventory of the NPC/container with the specified reference ID. To get the reference ID of an NPC, click it whilst the console is open and its reference ID will appear in brackets above the console. Target Commandequipitem item id optionsThis command equips the item with the specified ID to your target, provided they have the item in their inventory already.

See argument information for customization options. Use 'player.equipitem' to apply the effects of this command to your character.

For item codes, see. Target Commandequipspell spell id left / right / voice / instantThis command makes your currently selected target equip the spell, shout, potion effect or power with the specified ID. To make your character equip a spell, use the command 'player.equipspell'.

Target Commandequipshout shout idThis command equips the shout with the specified ID to the NPC you currently have selected as a target. Use 'player.equipshout' to equip a shout to your character with this command. Target CommandtcThis command will allow you to take control of the NPC you currently have selected as a target. This means you will be able to use WASD, etc to move the NPC. After toggling control of another NPC, your movements, etc will be shared between both your character (Dragonborn) and the controlled NPC (so pressing W would move both forward) - to toggle control of your own character, use the command ''.

Target CommandtcaiThis command will disable combat AI for all NPCs in the game. When combat AI is disabled, NPCs are unable to engage in anything combat-related (so they won't be able to attack you).

Skyrim Disable Fast Travel

It is not possible to toggle combat for a specific NPC.tclThis command toggles 'noclip' mode. In noclip mode your character has collision disabled and will be able to fly through walls, floors, and any other solid object that would usually not allow for this. This command will not work if you have a target selected - you must deselect your current target in order for this command to work.tdetectThis command will enable and disable (toggle) AI detection. With AI detection enabled, NPCs are aware of you when you are nearby and/or performing actions like combat on them. With AI detection disabled, NPCs will won't be aware of your proximity to them - so for instance, aggressive monsters that would usually attack you when nearby will no longer attack you. Note that this command does not stop detection for pickpocketing.teofisThis command will toggle (enable and disable) End-of-Frame ImageSpace graphics settings including blur and contrast adjustment. These graphics settings can cause lower frame rates, because of this, this command usually raises FPS.

There were only 127,000 Commercial Mausers produced and many have been altered or destroyed. Husqvarna rifle serial number search Mr Speed evaluates the Model M carbine between $1000. Depending on condition and extras.

The changes made the graphics settings are not saved - you will need to re-execute this command when you close and re-open the game.tfc pauseThis command will make you control the camera instead of your character, making you act as a 'flying camera'. If you specify a '1' (without quotes) at the end of the command, the game will pause, but you will still be able to move the camera around.sucsm speedThis command can be used to set the speed you move at when in free-flying camera mode (which is enabled by using the 'ToggleFlyCam' command).tfowThis command toggles the visibility of undiscovered regions on the local map which are usually covered by 'Fog of War'. Only the local map is affected by this command - the world map, etc are left unchanged.tgThis command toggles the visibility of grass.tgmThis command enables and disables (toggles) 'god mode'. In god mode, most stats including health, stamina and Magicka are infinite and will not drain. Your character's speed will no longer be affected by the amount of weight he/she is carrying.timThis command enables and disables (toggles) 'immortal mode'. When in immortal mode, your character will not be able to die (health will not reach 0). Unlike god mode, when in immortal mode your stats like stamina and Magicka are still drained/affected as they would normally be.tllThis command enables and disables (toggles) 'LOD' - which disables the rendering of distant land and improves graphics performance (FPS).tmThis command hides the entire GUI including all menus, health bars, etc.

Note that this command will also hide the console - if you press your console hot key, type 'tm' and hit enter again (even though you cannot see the console), the GUI will be enabled again.tmm optionThis command enables and disables map markers based on the provided option. See argument information for options.tsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the sky and sky-related graphics settings like fog. Usually results in an FPS boost.tscrThis command enables and disables (toggles) global script processing.ttThis command enables and disables (toggles) the rendering of trees.

With this toggled on, trees will not be loaded/visible. This setting can result in an FPS boost.twsThis command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of water. Note that when you are submerged in (under) water, water will still be rendered.twfThis command switches (toggles) the rendering mode to wireframe. When in wireframe mode all objects, including buildings will have their wireframes rendered instead of their textures.restoreactorvalue actor value id amountThis command will add the specified amount to a specified actor value of your currently selected target. An actor value is a value given to character traits to change their characteristics - e.g.

'Aggression' controls the aggression level on an NPC. See actor value IDs. This command will not make an actor value go lower than is 'organically possible' - a Whiterun Guard's maximum health level is 252, so you could only restore health for a Whiterun Guard up to 252. Use 'player.restoreav' to change your own values. Target Commanddamageactorvalue actor value id amountThis command will remove a specified amount from an actor value of your currently selected target.

An actor value is a value given to character traits to change their characteristics - e.g. 'Health' controls amount of hitpoints an NPC has. See actor value IDs. Use 'player.damageav' to change your own values. Target CommanddisableThis command will hide your current selected target (make it invisible).

NOTE: this command will hide a target from view and disable both collision and AI however, the target is still 'present' and things such as scripting for the NPC/target will still take place. Target CommandenableThis command will re-enable a target that has previously been disabled (see ). Target Commandforceav actor value id valueThis console command forcefully sets an actor value to the specified value. Note that this command can stop actor values from functioning correctly (e.g. Health may not naturally restore for the target) - it is recommended that you use the RestoreActorValue and DamageActorValue commands to avoid problems. Target Commandgetav actor value idThis command prints to console the value of the specified actor value.

Use 'player.getav' to view your own actor values. Target Commandgetavinfo actor value idThis command is similar to the 'getav' command but instead returns more information including max value, base value and modifiers. Use 'player.getavinfo' to get verbose information for your character's actor values. Target CommandgetlevelThis command prints to the console the level of your target. Use 'player.getlevel' to get your own character's level.

Target Commandgetlocationcleared location idThis command will check if a location, specified by its location ID, has been cleared or not. 0 will be printed to console if the location has not been cleared, 1 if it has. Target Commandgetrelationshiprank reference idThis console command will show the relationship level (friendliness) of two characters (the NPC you currently have selected as a target and the NPC with the specified reference ID) (see examples for help). A relationship rank is a number between -4 and 4 - a higher number means the two characters have a stronger relationship. Target Commandhasperk perk idThis command will print to console the perk rank of the specified perk for your target. If the target does not have the perk, the perk rank will be 0.

Use 'player.hasperk' to check your own perk rank. For perk IDs, see our.

Target CommandmarkfordeleteThis command permanently deletes your targeted object, NPC or item from the game. Note that this is note the same as the disable command, as the disable command only makes the target invisible - this command removes the target from memory.

Target Commandmodav actor value id amountThis command will add the specified amount to the actor value with the specified ID from your targeted NPC or object. Use 'player.modav' to change your character's actor values.

Skyrim Se Disable Fast Travel Mod

Specify negative amounts to decrease actor values. Target Commandmoveto reference idThis cheat will teleport your target to the NPC or object with the specified reference ID. Use 'player.moveto' to teleport your character. Target Commandopenactorcontainer 1This command will open the inventory of your target and allow you to add/remove items from it. Target Commandplayidle animation idThis command makes your target perform the animation with the specified ID. You can attempt to use 'player.playidle' to make your character perform an animation however most animations do not work with the player character.

Target Commandpushactoraway reference id distanceThis command pushes the actor with the specified reference ID away from your target (by the specified distance). The target is not the actor that is moved - the actor with the specified reference ID is pushed away from the target. Target CommandrecycleactorThis command has a different effect based on your target. If your target is an NPC, it will revive the NPC, restore the NPC's weapon, but not its entire inventory. If your target is a container, it will set the contents back to their default (i.e.

What the container had when it first spawned, meaning if it was empty, it will emptied). If your target is an object, the object will be moved back to the position in the world it spawned at.

If you use the command 'player.recycleactor', this command will not kill you or reset your inventory, instead it will add iron armor, iron weapons and some other useful gear - useful if you're starting out and want a boost. Target Commandremoveallitems reference idThis cheat will clear all items from the inventory of your target. This command can be used on NPCs and containers. Use 'player.removeallitems' to clear your own inventory. Use 'removeallitems player' to move items from your target's inventory into your character's. Target CommandresetaiThis command resets the AI of your target to the way it was when it spawned. Useful for fixing glitched NPCs.

Target CommandresetinventoryNot to be confused with 'removeallitems', which clears an inventory. This console command will reset an NPC or container's inventory back to the way it was when it first spawned. Target Commandsetactoralpha alphaThis console command sets the transparency of your target. Target Commandgetangle x / y / zThis command prints to console the angle of the specified axis for your currently selected target. Target Commandsetangle x / y / z angleThis command sets the angle of your target along a specified axis (the direction your target faces). Target Commandgetpos x / y / zThis command will print the console the current coordinate of the target along the specified axis.

Use 'player.getpos' get the position of your own character. Target Commandsetpos x / y / z valueThis command sets the coordinate of your target for specified axis (the location/position along the axis). Use 'player.setpos' to change your character's position.setav actor value id valueThis command sets the specified actor value to the specified value. It is recommended the DamageActorValue and RestoreActorValue commands are used instead of this command, as this command can cause things to not function correctly.

Target Commandsetessential base id 0 / 1This command can be used to change the essential status of an NPC (a specified base ID, not your target or a reference ID). An essential NPC is (by default) an NPC that is 'essential' to the game - e.g. An NPC necessary for a quest. Essential NPCs are 'immortal', they cannot be killed (as they're required for the game). An example of a non-essential NPC is a Whiterun Gaurd, there are many of them and no single Whiterun Guard is 'essential' to complete the game.setfavorstate 0 / 1This cheat will make a targeted NPC complete 'favors' for you.

After setting favor state to 1 for an NPC, follow the instructions on the screen. Pressing 'E' on the ground will make the NPC wait at that location, pressing 'E' on a door will make the NPC open that door for you, etc. Pressing the TAB key will set the favor state of NPC you are current controlling to 0 again. Target Commandsetgs setting name valueThis command sets the specified game setting to the specified value.setlevel multiplier modifier minimum maximumThis command can be used to change the level of a target, relative to your character. The level of the NPC will update as you level up. See argument information and examples for more help.

Skyrim Disable Fast Travel Mod

Target Commandsetlocationcleared location id 0 / 1This command sets the location with the specified ID (location ID, not reference ID) either as cleared or uncleared. When a location is cleared, it will show up on the map and the game will think that you have discovered, or have 'cleared', the location before.setnpcweight weightThis command sets the weight of your current target (NPC or player) to the specified value. The NPC's model will be updated to correspond with the weight change. Use 'player.setnpcweight' to change your own character's weight. Target Commandsetownership npc base id / faction idThis console command sets ownership of the item you have selected as a target to the specified NPC or faction with the specified base ID (see argument information and examples for help).

To select an item as a target, drop it on the ground and click on it whilst the console is open. If your target is a container, all of the items inside the container will have their ownership changed. Target Commandsetrelationshiprank reference id relationship rankThis console command sets the relationship rank between your targeted NPC and the specified reference ID. Target Commandsetscale scaleThis command will change the size (scale) of your target (NPCs, objects, etc). Use 'player.setscale' to change your character's size.

Target Commandsetunconscious 0 / 1This command can be used to make an NPC conscious (0) or unconscious (1).sexchangeThis cheat will change the sex of your target (if they're male, this command will make them female and vice versa). Use 'player.sexchange' to change the sex of your character.

Target Commandshp configurationThis console command sets the HDR shader configuration. Only use this command if you are familar with HDR shaders.sifh 0 / 1This command changes whether or not an NPC (your target) will be damaged by hits from you. Target Commandstr valueThis console command changes the 'refractiveness' of your target (how transparent they are). Target Commandunequipitem item id left / rightThis console command unequips the item with the specified base ID from your target. Use the 'left' and 'right' arguments if the item is held in either hand. The command 'player.unequipitem' can be used to unequip items from your own character. Target CommandcompleteallqueststagesAs this command commonly causes bugs, it is recommended you save your game before running it.

This console command completes all quests in the game.completequest quest idAs with the CompleteAllQuestStages command - this command may cause bugs, so it is recommended that you first save your game. This console command completes the quest with the specified ID.getstage quest idThis command prints to console the current stage you are at in the quest with the specified ID.movetoqt quest idThis command teleports your character to the target of the quest with the specified ID. The 'target' is the location that the marker on the map is highlighting (where you need to be to advance). This is useful for saving time travelling to specific locations, without skipping through the actual quest content.resetquest quest idThis console command resets your stage in the quest with the specified ID. Additem item id amount Target CommandThis command adds the item with the specified item ID to your selected target's inventory.

To add an item to your own inventory, use the command 'player.additem'. You can specify a negative amount to remove items from an inventory (e.g.1 would remove 1 of the specified item). Item IDThe item ID of the item you wish to add to either your own, or your target's, inventory. See our for item IDs.AmountThe amount of the item you wish to add, e.g. Specify a negative number to remove items from the inventory.

Duplicateallitems reference id Target CommandThis command copies the inventory of the target you currently have selected into the inventory of the NPC/container with the specified reference ID. To get the reference ID of an NPC, click it whilst the console is open and its reference ID will appear in brackets above the console. Reference IDThe reference ID of the NPC or container you wish to copy items INTO. The items will be copied from the inventory of the target you currently have selected. Equipitem item id options Target CommandThis command equips the item with the specified ID to your target, provided they have the item in their inventory already. See argument information for customization options. Use 'player.equipitem' to apply the effects of this command to your character.


For item codes, see. Item IDThe item ID of the item you wish to make your target equip. They must have this item in their inventory (you can use the for this). See our for item codes.OptionsOptional. Specify (without quotes) 'left' to equip item in left hand or 'right' to equip in right hand. If you specify a '1' here (without quotes), the item will be permanently equipped and can only be removed via commands. Equipspell spell id left / right / voice / instant Target CommandThis command makes your currently selected target equip the spell, shout, potion effect or power with the specified ID.

To make your character equip a spell, use the command 'player.equipspell'. Spell IDThe ID of the spell, shout, potion or power you wish to equip.Left / Right / Voice / InstantThis argument specifies where the spell should be equipped to. Options:. left - left hand. right - right hand. voice - if the spell is a shout and not equipped to either hand.

instant - if the spell is a potion effect or power. Restoreactorvalue actor value id amount Target CommandThis command will add the specified amount to a specified actor value of your currently selected target. An actor value is a value given to character traits to change their characteristics - e.g. 'Aggression' controls the aggression level on an NPC. See actor value IDs.

This command will not make an actor value go lower than is 'organically possible' - a Whiterun Guard's maximum health level is 252, so you could only restore health for a Whiterun Guard up to 252. Use 'player.restoreav' to change your own values. Actor Value IDThe ID of the actor value you wish to increase.AmountThe amount to increase the specified actor value. Recycleactor Target CommandThis command has a different effect based on your target. If your target is an NPC, it will revive the NPC, restore the NPC's weapon, but not its entire inventory. If your target is a container, it will set the contents back to their default (i.e.

What the container had when it first spawned, meaning if it was empty, it will emptied). If your target is an object, the object will be moved back to the position in the world it spawned at. If you use the command 'player.recycleactor', this command will not kill you or reset your inventory, instead it will add iron armor, iron weapons and some other useful gear - useful if you're starting out and want a boost. Removeallitems reference id Target CommandThis cheat will clear all items from the inventory of your target. This command can be used on NPCs and containers.

Use 'player.removeallitems' to clear your own inventory. Use 'removeallitems player' to move items from your target's inventory into your character's. Reference IDOptional. If you specify a reference ID of an NPC or character here, the objects will be cleared from your target's inventory and added to this inventory. If this is not specified, your target's inventory contents will be permanently deleted. Setessential base id 0 / 1This command can be used to change the essential status of an NPC (a specified base ID, not your target or a reference ID). An essential NPC is (by default) an NPC that is 'essential' to the game - e.g.

An NPC necessary for a quest. Essential NPCs are 'immortal', they cannot be killed (as they're required for the game).

An example of a non-essential NPC is a Whiterun Gaurd, there are many of them and no single Whiterun Guard is 'essential' to complete the game. Base IDThe base ID of the NPC you wish to change the essential status of. This is NOT a reference ID - see.0 / 1Specify (without quotes) '0' here to set the specified NPC as non-essential. Specify (without quotes) '1' here to set the specified NPC as essential. Setlevel multiplier modifier minimum maximum Target CommandThis command can be used to change the level of a target, relative to your character. The level of the NPC will update as you level up.

See argument information and examples for more help. MultiplierThe percentage of YOUR character's level the NPCs level should be. The multiplier is specified in 1/10th percents - 1000 is 100%, 0 is 0%, 500 is 50%, etc. A multiplier of 1000 (100%) would mean the NPC would have your level.ModifierThe amount of exact levels to add or remove to/from the NPCs level. Specifying 1 here would mean the NPC would have 1 level added, specifying -1 here would mean the NPC would have 1 level subtracted.MinimumThe lowest level this NPC can be.

A number between 1 and 100.MaximumThe maximum level this NPC can reach. A number between 1 and 100. Setlocationcleared location id 0 / 1This command sets the location with the specified ID (location ID, not reference ID) either as cleared or uncleared. When a location is cleared, it will show up on the map and the game will think that you have discovered, or have 'cleared', the location before. Location IDThe ID of the location you wish to set as cleared - note that this should be a location ID, not a reference ID.0 / 1Specify (without quotes) '0' to set the location as uncleared. Specify (without quotes) '1' to mark the location as cleared. Setownership npc base id / faction id Target CommandThis console command sets ownership of the item you have selected as a target to the specified NPC or faction with the specified base ID (see argument information and examples for help).

To select an item as a target, drop it on the ground and click on it whilst the console is open. If your target is a container, all of the items inside the container will have their ownership changed. NPC Base ID / Faction IDEnter 'player' (without quotes) to make your character the owner.

Enter the base ID of an NPC to set an NPC as the owner of the item. Enter a faction ID to set a faction as the owner of the item.

Setrelationshiprank reference id relationship rank Target CommandThis console command sets the relationship rank between your targeted NPC and the specified reference ID. Reference IDThe reference ID of the NPC you wish to change the relationship of (relationship between this reference ID and your current target).Relationship RankA number between -4 and 4:.4 - Archnemesis.3 - Enemy.2 - Foe.1 - Rival.

0 - Acquaintance. 1 - Friend. 2 - Confidant (not a mispelling of confident!). 3 - Ally.

4 - Lover. Unequipitem item id left / right Target CommandThis console command unequips the item with the specified base ID from your target. Use the 'left' and 'right' arguments if the item is held in either hand. The command 'player.unequipitem' can be used to unequip items from your own character.

Item IDThe base ID of the item you wish to unequip. See.Left / RightOptional. If the item is held in the target's hand, specify which hand it is - 'left' (without quotes) for left hand, 'right' (without quotes) for right hand. Enableplayercontrols movement combat first person looking sneaking menu activate journal tabs perspective typeThis command executed without arguments can be used to fix bugs/glitches with your game controls. See argument information and help for advanced usage. 1 to enable movement, 0 to disable.CombatOptional. 1 to enable combat, 0 to disable.First PersonOptional.

1 to enable first person perspective, 0 to disable.LookingOptional. 1 to enable looking, 0 to disable.SneakingOptional.

1 to enable sneaking, 0 to disable.MenuOptional. 1 to enable the menu, 0 to disable.ActivateOptional. 1 to enable activate, 0 to disable.Journal TabsOptional. 1 to enable journal tabs, 0 to disable.Perspective TypeOptional.

Either 0 or 1 - your desired POV type. Paycrimegold stolen items jail faction id Target CommandThis console command pays off a bounty, with optional parameters to specify whether or not to remove the items you stole and whether or not to send you to prison. This command will by default pay off a bounty for the faction of the NPC you currently have targeted. If you specify a faction ID, the bounty belonging to that faction will be paid off instead. Use 'player.paycrimegold' to pay off your own bounties. Stolen ItemsSpecify '1' (without quotes) to remove stolen items.

Specify '0' (without quotes) to keep stolen items.JailSpecify '1' (without quotes) to go to jail. Specify '0' (without quotes) to remain free.Faction IDOptional - only required if you do not have a member of the faction selected as a target. The faction ID to pay the bounty to. Placeatme base id amount distance direction Target CommandThis command places the item, object or NPC with the specified ID in front of your target.

Use 'player.placeatme' to place in front of your character. Base IDThe base ID of the item, object or NPC you wish to spawn.AmountOptional - the amount of the item, object, or NPC you wish to spawn.DistanceOptional. The distance away you wish to spawn the item, object, or NPC (e.g.

The direction you wish to move the item the specified amount of distance in - so, if you specified 10 distance, you would specify here whether that should be 10 distance in front of, behind, etc. Values are:.

0 - in front. 1 - behind.

2 - left. 3 - right. Removeitem item id amount Target CommandThis command removes the specified amount of the specified item from your target's inventory. To remove an item from your character's inventory, use the command 'player.removeitem'.

Note that this command permanently deletes the removed item(s), use the 'drop' command to drop an item from an inventory to the ground. Item IDThe base ID (item ID) of the item you wish to remove from your target's inventory.AmountThe amount of the specified item you wish to remove. Help 'search term'This command, if executed without any arguments, will print a list of console commands to the console. If executed with an argument (e.g. Help 'arrow'), this command will print to the console a list of all commands, item IDs and base IDs containing the argument. 'Search Term'The word you wish to search for within item IDs, other base IDs and commands.

Commands and base IDs containing this term will be printed to console. This needs to be surrounded in quotes, to search for arrows, you'd write 'help 'arrow', not 'help arrow'.

I had thought about doing this many times with Oblivion but never bothered. I got Skyrim about 3 or 4 days after it came out and between then and yesterday (9th January) I clocked 380 something hours, 68 levels and about half a Million gold. Today the 10th of January I have started again and I intend not to use fast travel, at all, never!On the way to Riverwood from Helgan after the opening scene I passed by Embershard Mine and I wasn’t going to bother but since the bandit at the entrance was doing a bit of slobberin’ I got stuck in and cleared the place. Now I am bad for lifting everything that’s worth anything so I grabbed all I could and went to Riverwood sold a most of it then went back to Embershard twice more to lift as much loot as I could. I sold what I could to Lucan and Alvor then “dumped” the rest at the back of one of the buildings in Riverwood.At this point in the game no fast travel is not that big a deal as you have to do a lot of walking anyway but we’ll see how I feel about that in a couple of weeks.

Lucan is looking me to go get the Claw the bandits stole from him so I’ll do that then ask around Riverwood for local quests. I am going to have to do things on a very local basis for now until I can afford to buy a house in Whiterun.No major pains just yet I tend to take everything in anyway with these games and do a lot of collecting of ingredients and anything that’s worth a few Septim! I’ll just stay about for now and get my level up before embarking on the main quest.

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