Program Will Not Open

  1. Program Will Not Open On Windows 7
  2. Open Office Program Will Not Open

Suddenly, nothing seems to behave as it should. Some examples of what I am seeing on my Win XP Home Edition service pack 2 system:- applications do not launch or open anymore from the taskbar or from program tree- right mouse-ing on any icon reveals a context menu that has been trimmed of choices such as OPEN or Run As.- Click Start, Run, and typing CMD results in a 'cannot find' error message- Right mouse on My Computer and click of Properties does nothing- Several icons in quick launch area of taskbar (and others on the desktop) have been changed to the 'generic default'.

Excel program will not open

I seem to be able to change them but they don't 'stay' that way across reboots of the system- The 'system tray' area of the taskbar used to have several icons always resident there but now just the clock.I was able to launch VirusScan 8.0 from McAfee and do a complete scan of my only local harddrive C and found no viruses. The virus definition file was very recently updated.The only thing I can think of that is new on this system is that I updated Mozilla Firefox to Version 2.0 recently.One last item of strangeness is that I can launch IE7 or Firefox from the Start-All Programs tree but not from shortcuts in the taskbar. Yet nothing else seems to be able to start in this manner.

Programs will not open in Windows XP by jjamjatra June 12, 2007 2:08 AM. Give it a try and it should at least get your Programs to open again when you double click them. Post back on how you.

I can bring up control panel but I cannot get 'Add Remove Programs' to do anything. I would love to be able to fire up some anti-spyware I've got such as Ad-Aware and/or Spybot Search and Destroy but I cannot get these things to launch.This is a private laptop (Dell Inspiron 700) that only I use. It is protected by a router and the Windows SP2 firewall is always ON. This is my tale of woe. Does this sound like any symptom anyone else has recovered from?

Any suggestions? Thank you.I tried system restore (from Safe Mode with cmd prompt because nothing is clickable). I tried about 6 times. I went all the way back to March 6th! (system was fine until about June 9,2007 or so!).Every iteration of the restore followed by rebooting led to almost all of the same set of symptoms as described above.

The one exception was that the 'system tray' area of the taskbar was restored with the original 4 or 5 icons. Other than that, all the same problems remain. Most baffling, is when I rightmouse on My Computer and select Properties, nothing happens. Also, when I type CMD into the Run box, the system says it doesnt recognize CMD and prompts for a web service or select a program to run it.Is there any way to run Spybot or AdAware from a command prompt in Safe Mode like I ran the RSTRUI.EXE?

Program Will Not Open On Windows 7


Gregg, Go to the link below and scroll down to line 12 (left column) and click on 'EXE (lnk and regfile) Fix for Windows XP' to download a reg file fix. Save the REG File to your hard disk.

Double click it and answer yes to the import prompt.If you can't run the file do the following:Press CTRL-ALT-DEL and open Task Manager. Once there, click File, then hold down the CTRL key and click New Task (Run). This will open a Command Prompt window.

Enter REGEDIT.exe and press Enter. Once regedit is open click FileImport and locate that reg file fix, hilite it and click Open.Note: If you can't access the Internet with the problem computer use another computer to download the reg file fix onto a CD or floppy and transfer the file to the problem computer.Tufenuf. It's strange that there's no response when you attempt to open these two programs.

Even stranger that it affects two, not one, or two but not all programs.So, what I would do now;1 Update and run your anti-virus scanner with a full scan. Then download, install, run and update Malwarebytes' Antimalware. When it is update it may close down again. Open it up and run a full scan.2 If the scans find nothing but the two programs still fail to work, uninstall each, and reinstall them. I would do it one at a time, eg; uninstall the first application, reboot, (restart), the computer, then reinstall it.

If that works, do the same for the other application. Why the reboot? It clears out any registry entries.I hope that helps.Mark.

I am still working on this. I upgraded to Windows XP Pro with a legitimate genuine, non-bootlegged copy.Steps I did include: ran every anti-virus, anti-malware software I could find and still nothing.

I ran Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and ZoneAlarm anti-virus and anti-spyware modules too but nothing. I also ran Spybot and Ad-Aware too.I came to the conclusion that the software needed to be a genuine/legitimate version of Windows so I bought it. That notwithstanding, the updates that Windows does won't install. I think if I can get those updates to install, I can get the programs to open as those updates are needed (10 of them are waiting). I've contacted Microsoft to let them know that I can't get the updates to install even though I have a genuine/purchased copy of Windows XP Pro SP3 running.Any help or guidance is appreciated.GR.

I make no judgement, but are you saying this happened on a pirated copy of XP? If so, then issues of this sort would have occurred eventually.But I am not sure where you are now. You say you have upgraded to a legitimate version of Windows XP Pro, but then you say that updates to Windows will not install.Tell us what process you have gone through, eg;1 Pirated version of XP.

Some programs failed to work.2 Installed genuine version of XP Pro. How did you do that?3 The install went correctly and Windows XP Pro now works without issues, except you are unable to get updates. Which updates and what happens when you try?4 The programs that didn't work before. Are they genuine applications, ie not pirated?

Have you attempted to re-install them on this new install of XP Pro?Mark. Yes, Mark, I did have a pirated copy of Windows XP. I had Windows 98 and then upgraded to ME, which was free.

When I upgraded to Windows XP, my friend gave me some bootlegged Windows XP software he had. I used it, I admit, but am now 'legal.' I bought the full, genuine copy a couple of days ago in light of these problems.Here's the process I went through:1. Upgraded to a genuine, legitimate copy of Windows XP Pro SP3 a couple of days ago. It installed and updated w/o issue.2. I installed it via a link Microsoft gave me post-sale. I clicked on it and initiated the process.

Like I said, the upgrade process was issue-free. The site to start the process is I called them and bought it then they sent me an email with the info I needed.3.

The only issue I can see is that the automatic updates from Microsoft just won't install.4. Good question. Both of the applications are GENUINE, purchased versions.

I bought the one XSite Pro 1.6 about 4 years ago. The other I bought on December 2nd. I contacted the programmer and he and I tried to get it to work together but it just didn't. I've not come across ANY other apps that aren't installing.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the copies but nothing. BTW, I bought both of the applications directly from the vendor so I know they're not pirated. The one I've had since 2005 (XSite Pro 1) has never been a problem ever before.Here is a list of the updates:a. Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - December 2009 (KB890830)b. Microsoft.NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 Security Update for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2 (KB953297). (I actually see this in the Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs).c.


Update for Windows XP (KB971737).d. Security Update for Windows XP (KB974392).e. Update for Windows XP (KB967715).f. Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP (KB976325).g. Security Update for Windows XP (KB973904).h.

Open Office Program Will Not Open

Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and.NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for.NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86i. Security Update for Windows XP (KB97431.j. Update for Windows XP (KB970430).What happens when I try to install them? I click on the yellow shield icon that appears in the Windows system tray and the dialogue box entitled 'Automatic Updates' appears. It asks, 'How do you want to install updates? Windows found 10 updates.' I have tried both the Express Install and Custom Install options.

I then click install. When I do so, in the installation status field, it tries to install them but after each of the 10 options, it says, '.failed!' I'm then left with a dialogue box that says: 'The following updates were not installed.' There are no other dialogue boxes and no other error messages of any kind.When Windows XP is closing down w/ a hard boot, it tries to install the updates but cycles through it fast as it doesn't install them.Lastly, I also ran extensive anti-virus, malware, spyware and trojan software to find anything. While I found a few noxious tracking cookies one that still remains in Firefox 3.3.6 that I can't get rid of (it launches tabs with advertisements on them), the various software seemed to find a few things, which I quarantined and then deleted.I use ZoneAlarm Security Suite and used Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, Spybot - Search & Destroy, HiJackThis and TrendMicro's CWS Shredder, HJT, RootKitBuster and RUBotted as well. I tried to use their HouseCall, but it wouldn't install.Overall, I don't think this is a trojan or bot problem, although I could be wrong. I'm thinking of installing ZoneAlarm in favor of McAfee's as I get it for free (and legitimately) anyway from Comcast.That's it.

Sorry to be so verbose. I appreciate your time and help.Best,GR. GR I have started this new sub-thread from your original post because these forums have a 'post limit' on sub-threads of about 12 posts. We were closing on that limit, hence replying to you here.Replying to your Tell Me That Again reply.I don't have an answer for the two apps that won't install I'm afraid.

Perhaps the Event Viewer might point to some area of difficulty. After attempting, (and failing), to install either of these apps, if you head over to XP's Event Viewer, (Start Run, type in eventvwr.msc and click OK), and look at the entries under Application and System for any errors for the time of the failed install. Double click any entry for more details, and the Event ID # can be Googled, (eg Google: XP Event ID 1051, etc), may help you track this down.About the Windows Updates. Again, no real ideas, but here's a thing I noticed. Your security applications and scanners;1 You stated you use ZoneAlarm Security Suite, (Firewall, Anti-virus, possibly anti-spyware?), and then you say you will install ZA in favor of McAfee.The general rule is, only one Firewall and only one Anti-virus can be installed.

Having two or more of each will cause conflicts. Firewalls will conflict with each other as one attempts to allow internet access to some program or other and the other will refuse. Anti-virus's will conflict as one app will attempt to check a file, causing the other to notice and attempt to check the same file, causing the first to try and check. And so on.Make your decision which firewall and which anti-virus application(s) to use, and uninstall the other. Uninstalling these can be difficult, so visit the application's web site or Google and look for specific uninstallers.2 Spybot Search & Destroy;Sadly this is not the utility it once was, especially if you use it's Advanced Mode 'Tea-Timer' component. Spybot now does not fit in well with todays firewalls and anti-virus applications, and we recommend uninstalling it.

If you decide to do this, do it in a controlled way, eg, disable the Tea-Timer, (Spybot Mode Advanced Tea-Timer), reboot the system, then uninstall from the Add/Remove applet in the Control Panel.

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